Across the globe, cigars have marked momentous occasions. They’ve been smoked to celebrate a wedding, birthday, anniversary, and even the birth of a new baby. So it is no surprise that cigars are becoming increasingly popular as gift choices. This article provides a gift guide to help eliminate some of the confusion of selecting the right cigar.
There are various ways to categorize cigars: shape, strength, size, origin and production method (hand-rolled or machine). Generally, cigars are categorized by size, which denotes length in inches and ring diameter often specified in 64th of an inch. Fuente Hemingway, Rocky Patel Edge, Villiger 1888, Winston Churchill, Partagas
After making up your mind for a particular cigar size, concentrate on the exterior appearance of cigar. Different wrappers carry with them different textures and flavors. For a novice smoker, Emerson’s Cigars suggests you choose a mild cigar such as the Rocky Patel Edge Lite or the Montecristo White. Both cigars have a gentle Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper.
More experienced palates might prefer a more full-bodied cigar. Emerson’s Cigars offers the most popular brands like Camacho (think Camacho Triple Maduro ), Cain Nub,Tatuaje, La Gloria Cubana, Siglo, Oliva, and J Fuego- all with full-bodied offerings. One of the most highly-received cigars is the Padron line which has become very popular for blends such as the Padron Family Reserve, Padron 1926 Anniversary, Padron 1926 Limited Edition, and the Padron 1964 Anniversary. These cigars are among the highest rated of all time and with tons of flavor- they make the perfect gift. Most companies can’t get the Padron Series in stock but Emerson’s Cigars always finds a way.
The value of a cigar gift also depends upon the brand and the reliability of the source. Emerson’s Cigars is the trusted one-stop shop for getting all your favorite top brands of premium quality cigars. They also offer a wide range of cigar accessories like cigar cases, cigar cutters, and cigar humidors.
Remember- all cigars tell a story. What will your story be?
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